CCleaner 3.05 - mit Firefox 4 Unterstützung

Piriform vertreibt seit heute die Version 3.05 des Systemreinigers. Die neue Version steht ganz im Zeichen der Browser, so werden ab sofort Firefox 4 und Internet Explorer 9 unterstützt. Es gab jedoch noch einige weitere Änderungen:

  • Added Internet Explorer Cached Feeds cleaning.
  • Added Internet Explorer Add-ons Statistics cleaning.
  • Added iTunes cookie management.
  • Added Opera cleaning for saved/opened directories paths.
  • Improved Firefox/Mozilla Saved Password cleaning.
  • Improved Intelligent cookie keeping functionality.
  • Improved Registry cleaning for Obsolete Software.
  • Improved Registry cleaning for Unused File Extensions.
  • Added Registry cleaner for Windows Services.
  • Added cleaning for obsolete Firewall Rules.
  • Added detection of invalid Browser Helper Objects.
  • Added new environment variables for user documents. (i.e. %CommonDocuments%, %CommonMusic%, %CommonPictures%, %CommonVideo%, %MyDocuments%, %Documents%, %MyMusic%, %Music%, %MyPictures%, %Pictures%, %MyVideo%, %Video%).
  • Added cleaning for Adobe Air, Advanced Searchbar, Steam, Xfire, Skype, AOL Instant Messenger, Camfrog Video Chat, Miranda Instant Messenger, Pidgin, Yahoo Messenger, ooVoo, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo Client, Ventrilo Server, FrostWire, uTorrent, Shareaza, iMesh, BearShare, DC++ and Ares.


Freunde der portablen Version, werden natürlich auch nicht außen vor gelassen.


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