CCleaner 3.00.1303 erschienen

Der bekannte CCleaner ist in Version 3.00 erschienen. Das Programm befreit euren PC von unnötigem Ballast, der sich mit der Zeit so ansammelt. Sollte auf keinem Rechner fehlen. Hier der Changelog für Version 3.00.1303:

New CCleaner 64-bit native EXE.
New UI graphics and icons.
New internal scanning architecture.
New Drive Wiper tool screen under Tools section.
New Intelligent cookie keeping functionality.
Improved support for IE9.
Improved support for Google Chrome.
Improved HTML5 Database Storage cleaning.
Added support to clean Microsoft Silverlight Isolated Storage.
Added support for AVG AntiVirus 10.0, Audacity, LogMeIn Hamachi, BitTorrent and Windows Game Explorer.
Improved support for Vuze.
Added new environment variables: %SystemDirectory%, %SystemDirectory32% and %SystemDirectory64%.
Improved Registry backup to address problems when saving values.
Improved cleaning Windows Log Files for 64-bit OSs.
Many UI improvements and bug fixes.



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